Hector"s Adventures


Hector went to Centre parks-Chris p7 RM 14

Salut tout le monde
In the October break 2008,Hector the French dog came to Centre Parks with me.
Me,my Dad,my Mum and little sister Rachel went down to England to visit Centre Parks.Lucky at that time,Mrs Hughes let me take Hector home for the weekend so we took him down too.We went bowling,to see a show,hired bikes,and lots more.We did quite a lot with Hector.When we got home Hector spent the rest of the weekend at my house.My little sister Rachel really liked Hector and she's going to miss him.
Au revoir Hector et a bientot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salut Christopher
That sounds like a really busy time you all had at Centre Parks. Je crois que Hector etait tres fatigue! I'm sure Hector had a fantastic time.
Au revoir.