Hector"s Adventures


Hector meets a special visitor from Pakistan by Malihah

Hector and I woke up to the sound of sizzling hot breakfast in the kitchen.The smells wafting in and out of our rooms.As we go down the stairs we hear the shouts of my baby sister, my dad leaving for work and my gran taking her medicine.I have my scrumptious breakfast and Hector has his.Then we went to wake up my granddad who came from Pakistan!He was very interested in Hector, where he has come from and what he does here!We then went for a walk down the road.After we came back my mum told us that we had to visit my dad's cousin because she had baught a new house and after that we had a dinner to go to at my mum's friends house.A while later we started getting ready. We went to my aunt's new house and she showed us around.A little while later my parents said we had to go to our dinner.We went ot my mum's friend's house.Her dinner was the best.We stayed there for a little longer then we headed for home.After a long and tiresome day we all headed off to a long nights sleep...
Au revoir Hector et a bientot !